
"I cannot praise Bonthuis as a school and James' teachers enough and I am convinced the wonderful child James is, is due to large measure to the school and staff, so please be assured of my deepest gratitude to Bonthuis and the staff."

~ Grant Howard (Parent of former student)

"Ek wil graag die geleentheid gebruik om julle te komplimenteer op 'n fantastiese skool. Die waardes en grondslag waarop Bonthuis gebou is, is baie duidelik in die bestuur van die skool, die omgewing, die inhoud, die ondersteuning asook al die personeel en onderwysers. Baie dankie vir die goeie werk wat julle doen, 'n werk wat beslis nie die erkenning kry wat julle verdien nie! Ek was 'n baie gelukkige ouer by Bonthuis en sal die skool aanbeveel vir enige ouer."

~ Cila Myburgh (Ouer van voormalige studente)

"Bonthuis Crèche is one of the best, if not the best bilingual crèche in Pretoria East. Teachers are well-qualified, the academic standards high and the learning environment safe and secure. My two daughters have been enrolled at Bonthuis from a very young age and they simply adore the pre-school. There is an excellent blend and balance between academic work and a whole range of relevant extra-curricular activities, which is of vital importance in the development of a young child. Bonthuis Crèche is simply the best!"

~ Prof. Russel Viljoen (Parent of students)

"My kind is vanaf vier maande ouderdom in Bonthuis Kleuterskool en ek is baie tevrede en gelukkig met die goeie sorg en aandag wat aan elke kind daar gegee word. Ek kan getuig dat die goeie onderrig by Bonthuis 'n positiewe invloed op my seun se ontwikkeling en karakter het en dat hy baie gelukkig by Bonthuis is."

~ Dr. Lana Naude (Ouer van student)


"I cannot praise Bonthuis as a school and James' teachers enough and I am convinced the wonderful child James is, is due to large measure to the school and staff, so please be assured of my deepest gratitude to Bonthuis and the staff."
~ Grant Howard (Parent of former student)

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